Sunday, February 8, 2009

Winning awards at World Of Concrete 2009

Each year the concrete industry has a convention in Las Vegas. I have gone the last couple of years and this year was no different. Its not all countertops....its everything to do with concrete. there are demonstrations of staining and polishing techniques and equipment ranging from a handheld rebar detector to concrete saws with blades that are 10ft across. There are many members of the decorative industry there as well, including an award ceremony from the Cheng Concrete Exchange. Fu-Tung Cheng is one of the originators of the concrete countertop industry and has been designing and building concrete countertops since the 70s, as well as writing 3 books and training others to build the best in concrete countertops. I trained under Fu-Tung and his team at the Exchange. This is the fifth year during which he has held a competition for design and craftsmanship, which they refer to as the 'Circle of Distinction'. Its a stiff competition of the best projects and products created by leaders of the decorative concrete industry. This year, Newbold Stone was able to bring home 2 awards. We recieved Best in Class for the Integral sink featured in my Dec. 10th Article below. We also recieved an Honorable Mention Award for a product we call 'The C'. This versatile piece combines concrete ends and wooden slats to create a very comfortable and distinctive stool, with applications both interior and exterior. It can also be flipped on end and used as a table, either on its own, or wrapping over the seat of a couch or ottoman.

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