Saturday, January 31, 2009

Warranty is a drag, but the results speak for themselves

As any business owner will tell you, warranty is the most painful thing you have to deal with. sometimes you can force the cost up the value chain to the vendor that sold you whatever it was that went bad....but sometimes you cannot. In this case, we had a sealer failure. As we stand firmly behind our products, it was a matter of course that when a client called 6 months after installation to say their countertops were badly stained, we had no choice but to offer a solution, refinishing. Some minimal staining is not unusual with concrete, even concrete that has been properly sealed, and the technology used for sealing keeps improving. We are constantly evaluating newer and stronger sealers. However, in this case, the sealer had simply failed.

In the end, it took about 3 days worth of time and several visits, but we ended up upgrading the old sealer that we had discontinued using, with a newer, more robust one. The customer is happy and ready to show them off to her Bunco group, and doesnt have to worry a bit about spilling wine on them......this sealer even laughs at Balsamic.

1 comment:

Matt said...

John, Nice work buddy! Warranty work is a bummer, but that free work usually lands many times the amount spent with satisfied clients passing your name along. Love the drain board and inlays too. -Matt Risinger