Saturday, October 17, 2009

Avian madness

As an active member of the design community and a contributer to the local community at large, Newbold Stone attends a number of events each year, particularly those that involve design competitions. There were two this year, Hello Birdie and Evolution, that involved the constuction of a birdhouse.

Mark Lind, a local architect with whom I have collaborated in the past had learned of one of the competitions and we were able to work together again to create a birdhouse made of concrete and empty champagne bottles to be a joyful spot to rest the feathers.

First, the tops of the bottles are cut at an angle

The mold, with several bottles. The best seemed to be Cristalino, as it was thick and consistant in shape....also inexpensive and tasty!

The bottles were held in place by a strong armature with rubber ends, then the concrete poured around them.

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