Monday, February 22, 2010

Moving a website is like moving the sphinx

Last week I began the effort of moving my website from one host to another. Its been so long since I started the website, that I dont even remember why we picked that particular host. However, due to some chronic email issues and generally poor service, the switch is underway. The host that I have found has lower cost, more features and so far, better service. To boot - I will now be able to host this blog within my own website!
As it is also about time to get some of my more recent projects on there, this should work out well.
Unfortunately, its all easier said than done. Like many other things you deal with as a business owner, you need to learn all of the technical details of the industry in order to make this operation happen. The key is in the "Domain Name Pointers", which is kind of like changing your address at the post office, except you also need to speak your landlord (your old domain host) and get them to give you permission (the key) to change it, and then give that to your new landlord (new domain host), and they have to fill out the paperwork for you at the post office. hence, the whole thing doesnt happen in 30 seconds like a computerized transfer should, it takes 4 days to change the pointers.

The down side is that website and eamil are both down for those 4 days, which is, shall we say, disadvantageous.

In the meantime, if anyone needs to contact me, they can use

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